Your First Day In Real Estate 0091 Battle Plan for 2013

Your First Day In Real Estate show

Summary: Battle Plan for 2013 By 1) Organizing the Fort -A real good cleaning -Appreciating the space where you will succeed -It’s not just for you but the customer   2) Know the Numbers -The numbers of the market -The numbers of the transaction -The Numbers of your financing -The numbers of your competition -Goal setting   3) Gather Your Troops and Weapons -Beginning a new routine of learning -taking on an assistant -Realizing what you already have -working on your weaknesses -Building on your strengths -The Must have supplies for success   4) Creating a Battle Plan -Time management -Calendars and schedules -balance between work and play -Success after failures -lose the battle to win the war Part One Organizing the Fort 84% of the world can succeed in a job that is structured and supervised 14% of the world can succeed in a job that is structured and UN-supervised 2% of the world can succeed in a job that is UN-structured and UN-supervised   You are already doomed to fail unless you decided today that this is your first day in real estate…even if it’s not. The good news is that you are here and you have this moment with this document. A cheat sheet with the help of the instructor you can achieve your success in the business. You are the manager and CEO. You have a choice to hire or fire yourself. I say you fire yourself and start over so that you are an blank canvass to receive this gist of organization. Who are you if someone walked into your office and judged your workflow? The messy person who has no clue where stuff is? The clutter person who knows exactly where things are The Organized person who loses things easily because of too many rules on clutter The Person who spends all their time organizing and no time working The organized, simplified functional streamlined totally white glove agent?   There is no reason to be stubborn and say that it works for you because there is no Zen in chaos unless you are a Buddhist Monk in New York City… And even that must be hard.   The 7 steps to getting organized 1)     Get boxes and label them -Crap Trinkets, trophies, awards, gifts that you feel you should display but you really know they don’t belong in the workplace (p.s. if you think your kids painting of a turkey is not crap then still put it in this box because its crap you don’t need in your office, put it on the fridge) -Not crap (files, legit awards, computer and office supplies) 2) Pull it all down -Every piece of paper, every post it note, every award, every random scrap, paintings etc -Fill nail holes and patch and clean the walls 3) Put it back in a great place -Take all of the decorative items that give you great energy and strength and re-hang them with great care and meditation on if they are truly decorative and in good taste. -Staging the office for you and your customers. If you suck at this ask someone who doesn’t. You can tell right away who they are because their office looks nice. 4) Clean the office -Behind the desk, pull and re-plug wires to use zip ties and tame them. Wipe down the trophies, vacuum, use duster in places that you never see but if you sat in the clients chair they would 5) Do the touch ups -Sit down and look at the chips and dings in places that are imperfect and fill them, use a black sharpie or white out. It looks better than before even if it not perfect 6) Label your files and identify its place -There is a place for everything and everything has its place. Have a system of checklists for the files, 7) Sit back and absorb your area. -There is great pride and energy in knowing that this is the place I will spend Hours this year and it looks great. I never want to leave. Part Two Know the Numbers This lesson is based on asking yourself a series of questions that force you to answer the truth of the possibi...