A Guide to Being a Communist Calvinist with Roland Boer #zesty

Tripp Fuller show

Summary: There is only one person equipped to provide a guide for being a Communist and a Calvinist and that man – Roland Boer – is on the podcast.  Roland, a preacher’s kid, had an intellectual conversion in school when he moved from liberation theologians to reading Marx for himself.  Since then he has established himself as the world’s premier scholar of Marxist criticism of religion and scripture. I ran into Roland during the American Academy of Religion this November and managed to find a quiet corner of the convention center to record this conversation [find out what Roland & I did here].  It was a real treat to get to meet Roland in person and has ear for an afternoon.  If only I had been recording when we discussed his time as a youth minister… next year! Roland Boer, Jeffrey Robbins, Clayton Crockett * Check our Roland’s Legendary Blog [Stalin's Moustache] NOW! * Go get yourself a Roland Boer book!  In the intro to the podcast I mention checking out Roland’s Rescuing the Bible. * Join Bo this Lent & read through Tony Kriz’s Neighbors and Wise Men. * Check out Roland’s faculty page at the University of Newcastle in Australia. *** If you enjoy all the Homebrewed Christianity Podcasts then consider sending us a donation via paypal. We got bandwidth to buy & audiological goodness to dispense. We will also get a percentage of your Amazon purchase through this link OR you can send us a few and get us a pint!*** Subscribe on iTunes Here! Subscribe on iTunes! Subscribe on iTunes Here!