Are You Ready to Take The Challenge? uROk!

The uROk Motivation, Inspiration & Relaxation Podcast show

Summary: In every moment there is choice and you know uROk. Isn't it time to show it and shine in the very best version of YOU? If you're ready to make today the first day of the rest of your life, then perhaps it's time for you to take the uROk 33 Day Challenge. This revolutionary, simple yet incredibly effective life management and goal achievement programme is sweeping the globe. Challengers from as far flung as Helsinki to Sydney, New York to Dubai are discovering their real selves and reaching new heights of empowerment and enlightenment as they work through author Sari Mustonen-Kirk's three step Examine, Imagine Reason model for personal and business growth and change. Join Founder and CEO Sari Mustonen-Kirk for an instant hit of motivation, inspiration and relaxation as she discusses the basics of the uROk 33 Day Challenge. Visit to buy your copy and discover a whole host of other tools and techniques to help you Dream Your Life, Live Your Dream. The uROK 33 Day Challenge - The original, the first, the best! Changing lives since 1985. Guaranteed to show positive results or your money back. Motivational, inspirational, relaxation, and life planning tools, products and services for positive and sustainable change and growth. uROk and Dream Your Life, Live Your Dream are registered global trademarks of Big Picture Management and Sari Mustonen-Kirk. All rights reserved.