TNA Chat Live 12-28-12 now archived


Summary: Tonight TNA Chat Live returned to the air for a special Friday edition, and a double header here on the SNS Radio Network, with the Open Book. The BronxFather talked about some positive things that TNA is doing and has done in 2012, including advertising and bumping up the ratings slightly. Bronxy also took a call from Crelly, as they both discussed the value of ticket prices for TNA, and also how it’s sometimes hard being a TNA fan in the IWC. Longtime caller AnthonyFarley chimed in, as well as a rare appearance by longtime network listener Huhn Jo. In closing an e-mail by Bluemystery was read as The BronxFather gave his final thoughts on TNA to close out TNA Chat Live for 2012 here on the SNS Radio Network!<br> <a href=""></a><br>