Media Molecule Podcast 19 - Kickstarting The Spring!

Media Molecule Podcast show

Summary: The birds are chirping, the sun's been shining a bit, the flowers are starting to bloom, and our clocks have gone forward--all signs that spring has sprung! And with it, a shiny new podcast! It's been a while, and we're down a Tom this week, but Kenny, Spaff, and Alice went into the sound cave to quickly catch up on where it is we've been this whole time, including tons of fun stuff that's been happening in the Little Big Planet world! But that's not all! This podcast sees the first of two special segments we recorded in our adventures a few weeks ago during the annual Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. We hope you enjoy our two very special guests, Greg Rice from Double Fine Productions and Chris Remo from the Idle Thumbs Podcast. They speak with us about their amazing success on Kickstarter--very exciting and impressive!--and then we dive into some wonderful indie games chatter. As fate would have it, and as you may have noticed as it is now the 2nd of April and no longer a Friday, we did not manage to get the podcast up last week. So, it looks as though we're the April Fools after all!