RSACE2012 Podcast: MBS-301: Defending Behind the Device: Mobile Application Risks

RSA Conference US Podcast show

Summary: Tyler Shields, Senior Researcher, Veracode, Inc.  Risks to mobile devices are similar to those of traditional software applications and a result of insecure coding practices. But mobile devices aren’t just small computers: they are designed around personal and communication functionality. This makes the top mobile applications risks different from the top traditional computing risks - and an easier opportunity for those with malicious intent. Tyler Shields is a Senior Researcher with the Veracode Research Lab whose responsibilities include understanding and examining interesting and relevant security and attack methods for integration into the Veracode product offerings. While specialized in application security, Mr. Shields also has lead security engagements in the areas of wireless security, network and product penetration testing, secure development lifecycle design, secure application architecture review, and forensics and incident response. While at Symantec, Mr. Shields also led the Symantec Vulnerability Research team. This team was tasked with the responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities discovered by the Symantec employees in the course of their daily work. The goal of the team was to interface with both the vendor and the vulnerability finder to work towards a mutual timeline of repair and information disclosure. In the past, Tyler has worked as a consultant for both @Stake and Symantec, delivering security assessments to fortune 500 companies, major financial institutions, institutions of higher education, and the highest levels of the U.S. government. Tyler has presented at major security conferences internationally including RSA, Black Hat, H.O.P.E , & SOURCE Boston and released numerous security advisories. He also frequently contributes to major media outlets on security relevant topics.  Download <7:00>