Running The Ropes 12-19-12 now archived


Summary: It’s the final RTR of the KJCC semester and 2012 is going out with a bang! The guys talk about week’s events on WWE Week on USA and the fallout from WWE TLC!<br> This week, the guys welcome TNA British Boot Camp stars The Blossom Twins as they talk about the upcoming show, their careers so far, and what they hope to bring to Total Nonstop Action Wrestling.<br> All this and much more on the two-time Wrestling Radio Award winner, Running The Ropes, the official podcast of the Unchained Wrestling Network, and a feature production of KJCC Real Campus Radio, and a part of the SNS Radio Network.<br> (Note: Sorry we couldn’t get this up earlier due to computer problems. VERY special thanks to BrassEye of SNS for recording this from the KJCC stream.)<br> <a href=""></a><br>