Santa’s Leadership List

Monday Moments by Monica Wofford show

Summary:   Whether you believe Santa still shimmies down your chimney with presents or you’ve figured out your parents really stomped on the roof and told you it was reindeer, there’s still that little kid in many of us that wishes we could send a letter to Santa and have him deliver. What if you could send Santa a list of all the things leaders want and he’d just drop it off at your door. Ha! I’d even be willing to pay the shipping charges and bake special reindeer treats for these! What would be on YOUR Leadership List to Santa? Would you add anything to the items listed here? Angelic employees who did all that we ask Vendors who always go above and beyond Paperwork that magically gets done Reports that seem to write themselves Performance problems that disappear with ease Difficult people who do the same Skilled people to promote from within An office that is well organized and always neat Mandatory blackberry breaks in which we CAN’T send or receive emails Days off when we need them Positive people to keep us focused A life that is as fulfilling, or even more so, than our work Come to think of it… when I look over this list, I can safely say that Santa has been very good to me and to us. This year has been filled with many joys and jump starts to growth and we are truly grateful for each contribution from team members, coaches, clients, and vendors. May Santa bring you all that is on your list this holiday season and may you enjoy the discovery of how much you’ve already received and enjoy! I’m Monica Wofford, and that’s your Monday Moment. Have a great Monday, an even better week and of course, stay contagious!