KOTG News Minicast #5 - Podcast Awards

Knights of the Guild show

Summary: <br> <br> Knights of the Guild Podcast has been nominated for a People's Choice Podcast Awards in the Entertainment Category. <br> <br> There were 1,110,000 people submitting nominations on 2931 podcasts.. here are how the nominees are chosen. There are 44 reviewers, 2 per category who will listen to every podcast nominated. Here is how they rate each podcast. <br> <br> 40% - Number of Nominations <br> <br> 15% - Quality of Website Design <br> <br> 15% - Quality of Sound <br> <br> 10% - Quality of Delivery of Show Content <br> <br> 20% - Relevance of Content <br> <br> So they grade each podcast on those percentages and the top 10 per category are the ones officially nominated. <br> <br> It kind of makes me feel good that it's not solely a popularity contest to get nominated, that all the hard work I put in to this podcast, ie sound, website, contest all paid off. <br> But now it's up to you.. our listeners to vote every day for the next 15 days. Get everyone you know to vote once a day everyday. All that's required is your name and a valid email address. <br> Voting starts December 1st and ends December 15th. <a href="http://podcastawards.com/">http://podcastawards.com/</a><br>