Beyond the Bell ep79: The Stone Cold Chronicles: 1993 & 1994


Summary: <a href=""></a>Beyond The Bell presents the Stone Cold Chronicles: The History of Stone Cold Steve Austin.<br> Relive the Rattlesnake’s  Hall of Fame career as host Sean Beckerman focuses in on the years 1993 and 1994.<br> Follow ‘Stunning’ Steve Austin in World Championship Wrestling as he forms the historic tag team ‘The Hollywood Blondes’ with Brian Pillman.<br> The ‘Bionic Redneck’ continues to climb the championship ranks in WCW as he wins the WCW Tag Team and United States Championships. Also, learn about Austin’s feuds with Ric Flair &amp; Arn Anderson, Dustin Rhodes, Johnny B Badd, and Hacksaw Jim Duggan.<br> Listen to old-school interviews from a young Steve Austin and retro audio featuring Brian Pillman, Ric Flair, Col. Robert Parker and many more.<br> So sit back and open up some “Stevewieser’s” and relive the career of Steve Austin… and that’s the bottom line… ‘Cause Stone Cold Said So!<br>