TNA Chat Live 12-20-12 now archived


Summary: On what could possibly be the last TNA Chat Live ever, the Bronxfather brought you the show on the SNS Radio Network, letting loose and offering the listeners the chance to talk about anything they wanted.  From the end of the world to TNA and even the WWE, the BronxFather spoke with some longtime callers and chatters, while contemplating the apocalypse or lack there of!  The positive and negative things TNA has done in 2012 were brought up, as well as what the future in the year 2013 holds for TNA and wrestling in general.  How long will the wrestling fan stay interested, and how long will the products keep us entertained?  E-mails, phonecalls, opinions and just random banter abounded on this episode of TNA Chat Live, and some end of the year advice was given by the BronxFather and even the callers.  Make sure you check out the archive, and have a wonderful and blessed holiday as the old year comes to an end and the new one hopefully begins right here on the SNS Radio Network!<br> <a href=""></a><br>