Get-Scripting Podcast Episode 16 - (Ed Wilson - The Scripting Guy)

get-scripting show

Summary: This is Episode 16 of the Get-Scripting podcast. Tune in to listen to us talk and interview people about PowerShell. Download it here, subscribe in iTunes or via a different feed reader. Intro: Alan: Deploying VM's in the Snow. New-WebServiceProxy London VMUG Presentation Appeared on the Mike Laverick Chinwag Who created that VM? Jonathan: PowerShell 2.0 One Cmdlet at a Time blog series File PowerShell bugs here Interview: Ed Wilson - Hey Scripting Guy Version 2.0 Cmdlets Out-Gridview Show-EventLog PowerShell News: Doctor DNS (aka Thomas Lee) Powershell Training Class - TrainSignal - PowerCLI Training DVD PowerGUI Pro has been released - $99 until June 1st 2010 Create your own PowerGUI MobileShell Client Feedback Send us feedback at get [dash] scripting [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk or leave a comment here on the blog Follow us on Twitter and join our Facebook Group Get-Scripting Facebook Group Extensive list of Powershell Twitterers Tag yourself at