S05E22 – A Final Reckoning

Ubuntu Podcast » MP3 show

Summary: Alan Pope, Mark Johnson, Tony Whitmore, Laura Cowen, and podcats are drinking mulled wine and eating mince pies with homemade brandy butter in Studio A for the twenty-second and final episode of Season Five of the Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo Team! In this week’s show:- We recall our predictions for 2012 and decide whether we were right or wrong. We foolishly then decide to make some predictions for 2013. And we perform the Annual UUPC Christmas Play! We also chat about reading a book, getting a new laptop that hasn’t yet been installed with Ubuntu (but will be), waiting for a Nexus 4, and switching off adblock. In the news this week:- Version 1.0 of open source file-sharing Sparkleshare released… Crowd-sourced project to make an indie film about the rise of FOSS… Open laptop project… The Pi Store is launched… Vulnerability in some Samsung devices running Android… We play a preview of a forthcoming documentary about Tomorrow’s Technology Today. Thanks to Victoria Pritchard and Robin Catling – and, of course, the Herbert Maxwell Fosdyke Curmudgeon Memorial Sound Archive. We chat about some Ubuntu related news in the bit-about-Ubuntu:- Launchpad users can now request ARM builds of their software… Online galleries available for Ubuntu One users… Ubuntu Advocacy Developer Kit available from a PPA… Restarting the Ubuntu Learning Project… Arguments over the Amazon shopping search in Ubuntu… And in Not-about-Ubuntu: Future versions of Linux will no longer support i386… And we have your feedback (including, finally, two – yes two! – voicemails from listeners). The following sound effects used in this year’s Christmas play are licensed under Creative Commons: silde-up glissando crescendo bang.wav by Timbre babycrying.mp3 by morgantj rbh Applause 01 big.WAV by RHumphries 20061111Bucket1-FX2.wav by daveincamas Scuba 1.mp3 by digifishmusic Dialup.mp3 by Jlew pwm5.wav by rossb Rhino-04.wav by patchen pop.aif by eklee French Champagne.wav by Puniho wind.wav by ERH BreathOfDeath.aif by gabemiller74 3D Magic Wand tinkle_16bit.wav by Timbre preparing_salad_in_kitchen.mp3 by reinsamba Paper.wav by stijn doorbell2.wav by guitarguy1985 knocks on wood door.aiff by mwmarsh Typing2.MP3 by tobi123 dorm door opening.wav by pagancow walkinginsnow.aif by Spandau Footsteps on Tiles.wav by RutgerMuller door slam.wav by ttiimm54 And that’s it for the year. It’s time for a break. We’ll let you know if and when we’ll be back when we’ve been for our annual pre-season curry. Please send your comments and suggestions to: podcast@ubuntu-uk.org Join us on IRC in #ubuntu-uk-podcast on Freenode Leave a voicemail via phone: +44 (0) 203 298 1600, sip: podcast@sip.ubuntu-uk.org and skype: ubuntuukpodcast Follow our twitter feed http://twitter.com/uupc Find our Facebook Fan Page Follow us on Google Plus Leave us some segment ideas on the Etherpad