8: Setting Up Your Development Environment

Learning Rails show

Summary: <p>To listen to the lesson, click the Play button on the left. You can also right-click on the download link to save the mp3 file, or you can subscribe in iTunes (just search for Learning Rails).</p> <p>To read a transcript of the lesson, click the Transcript link on the left.</p> <p>The heart of the lesson is the audio; these notes are supplementary. So please listen to the audio, or read the transcript, before making use of these notes.</p> <p><strong>Note:</strong> we created this series in 2008, and the Ruby on Rails world, along with the software that supports it (such as various gems) has evolved quite a bit since then. Check the comments for suggestions on how to overcome various incompatibilities. We hope to have an updated version of the series by the end of 2010.</p> <h2>Detailed Ruby on Rails Development Environment Installation Instructions</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/articles/79197-setting-up-rails-on-leopard-mac">Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard</a></li> <li><a href="/articles/79198-setting-up-rails-on-tiger-mac">Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger</a></li> <li><a href="/articles/79200-setting-up-rails-on-windows-vista">Windows Vista</a></li> <li><a href="/articles/79199-setting-up-rails-on-windows-xp">Windows XP</a></li> </ul>