What Do You Know About The Oklahoma City Bombing – Want To Know The Truth?

In The News Radio show

Summary: The following podcast is from Coast To Coast with George Norry in which he interviews Director James Lane and writer/producer Holland Vandennieuwenhof in regards to present ignored and censored info about the Oklahoma City bombing. Warning: The items that you will be hearing will bring fear into some of you. If you are of God, ask him to remove this fear for fear is of the devil. We know that these events have to come because it is described in the Bible. You are given this information to prepare and inform others.   We guarantee the information shared in this podcast will change your life or the life of someone you know.   As always we ask that you pray and take this podcast matter to the Lord and ask for his discernment.   Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.   Note: Don’t let others be destroyed by lack of knowledge, share with others what you are learning. Interview Length: 40 minutes   Learn The Process Of Salvation: www.realitysite.org/resources/Road+To+Salvation.pdf   Learn Truth @ www.realitysite.org   Follow us on Twitter for breaking info: www.twitter.com/itn_alerts Or if you facebook, you can keep up with us at: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ITN-Alerts/333270583350052