Dec 16, 2012

Beyond the Pale show

Summary: Today's show is hosted by Eve Sicular and features the music of Jacob Garchik, Michael Winograd, Metropolitan Klezmer,Alicia Svigals and Marilyn Lerner and the glorious, late Adrienne Cooper (with pianist Joyce Rosenzweig). Don't miss the December 22nd concert in tribute to Adrienne Cooper--for details click on Upcoming Events to the left. Eve also talks wth the Swiss multi-media artist Elianna Renner about her research-in-process into the activities of Jews in late 19th and early 20th century international prostitution rings; and  with Alicia Svigals about her forthcoming performance, with Marilyn Lerner, of music she composed to accompany a screening of the 1918 silent film,The Yellow Ticket, on January 10th, at 8:30pm, at the Jewish Film Festival and Lincoln Center. The Yellow Ticket  tells the story of a young Jewish woman (played by Pola Negri) who hides her identity in order to study medicine and is coerced into prostitution in order to pay the rent.