The Gary Null Show - Dr. Rima Laibow - 12/19/12

The Gary Null Show show

Summary: Looking at the real causes behind the rise in mass homicides and suicides and the role of psychiatric medications Dr. Rima Laibow is the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation, a non-governmental, international advocacy organization to develop and disseminate natural solutions to illness and disease, and the head of Health Freedom USA, an organization devoted to securing citizens' freedom to choose the medical modalities and healthcare of their choice. A graduate of Albert Einstein School of Medicine, she has practiced drug-free natural medicine for 35 years. Dr. Laibow is also the President of the NeuroTherapy Certification Board, which seeks to develop and promote research in NeuroBioFeedback. She is also an expert in the politics of Codex Alimentaris and the World Health Organization and Big Pharma's legislative attempts to dominate all healthcare protocols