ESL Podcast #212 - Asking for a Raise

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Summary: Slow dialog: 1:07 Explanations: 2:49 Fast dialog: 14:30 Patty: Alberto, can I pick your brain for a minute? Alberto: Yeah, sure, but you’ll have to make it quick. I’m going into a meeting at 3. Patty: Sure. Hopefully, this won’t take long. I’m thinking about asking for a raise. I’ve been working here for a year and half, and I now have a lot more responsibilities on my plate than when I started. I think I’ve earned a raise, but I don’t know how to broach the issue with Wayne. I can’t just go into his office and say, “Give me a raise!” Alberto: You’re right. It’s not an easy thing to bring up. One thing I did when I asked for a raise last year was to remind Wayne of my qualifications and all of the work I do around here. I tried to convince Wayne that I was indispensable. Patty: Obviously it worked. You got a raise and a promotion, too. All I want is a bump in pay. Alberto: The trick is to sell yourself without seeming self-serving. And, you don’t want to give any ultimatums either. That definitely won’t fly with Wayne. Patty: I can see that. I plan to talk to him at the end of the week so wish me luck. Alberto: You don’t need it. I’m sure Wayne will see things your way. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse