265 - Listening to the Radio

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

Summary: Slow dialog: 1:07 Explanations: 2:43 Fast dialog: 16:50 Kurt: Turn that radio down! Gloria: No way! I’m listening to a simulcast of a performance and it’s live. Kurt: Is it on campus radio? Gloria: No, it’s on the public radio station. I finally got good reception after putting this long antenna outside my window and I’m not turning it off now. Kurt: You are so low-tech. I can’t believe you’re still listening to AM/FM radio. You should get satellite radio. You get shows in hundreds of formats, and there are a lot of stations without DJs. And there’s never any static! Gloria: I like listening to the regular broadcast radio. I don’t have to pay for it and I’m happy with the stations we have in this city. You’re just a technology snob. If it’s high-tech, you love it and have to have it. Kurt: It’s true that I know quality when I see it, and I don’t settle for less. What’s wrong with that? Gloria: Nothing, but I don’t have to jump on the bandwagon. Now, be quiet. I’m trying to listen. Kurt: Fine. This is the thanks I get for trying to give you a little good advice. Gloria: Shh! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse