487 - Watching Videos on the Internet

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

Summary: Slow dialogue: 1:08 Explanations: 2:55 Fast dialogue: 15:15 Sheila: Where are you going? Rudy: I’m going to the video store to rent a movie for tonight. Do you want to come? Sheila: You don’t need to do that. We can watch nearly any movie you want online. Rudy: Oh, you mean we can pay to download it? Sheila: Yeah, we can download it, but we don’t have to pay for it. Rudy: What do you mean? You’re not using a file-sharing site, are you? Sheila: Of course, I am. Everybody is doing it. Rudy: Aside from the ethical issues, it’s so frustrating watching videos online. The ones that stream are constantly pausing to buffer. The interruptions drive me crazy! Sheila: Yeah, sometimes, but there’s usually a workaround. Rudy: Even so, the movies are usually pirated and they’re so grainy. I want to watch something in high definition. Come on, let’s go to the video store. It’ll be my treat. Sheila: All right, if you insist, but why can’t we just pay to download it right here at home? Rudy: We could do that, but where would we get the popcorn? Script by Dr. Lucy Tse