485 - Being Clumsy

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

Summary: Slow dialogue: 1:28 Explanations: 3:10 Fast dialogue: 12:23 Edward: Would you dance with me? Bella: Me? I’d like to, but I don’t dance. Edward: Why? Bella: I have two left feet. I’m so clumsy, first I’d step all over your feet, and then I’d stumble all over the dance floor. Edward: I don’t believe that. I bet you’re very graceful on the dance floor. You wouldn’t stumble; you’d glide across that floor. Bella: I’m the most uncoordinated person alive. When I was little, I was even more awkward. My mother hated taking me shopping because I was so accident-prone. Everywhere we’d go, I was like a bull in a china shop. I’m not like Rosalie. Look at her. She’s so elegant. Edward: Rosalie has nothing on you. Dance with me and I promise to catch you if you trip. Bella: What if I step all over your feet? Edward: You won’t get the chance. My feet will be moving so quickly, I will dazzle you with my agility and finesse. Bella: Okay, you asked for it! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse