572 - Blowing the Whistle at Work

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

Summary: Slow dialogue: 1:48 Explanations: 3:35 Fast dialogue: 15:40 Becky: What are we going to do? Saeed: I don't know. I need time to think about the ramifications of blowing the whistle. Becky: There are no two ways about it. If we step up and do the right thing, we are putting our jobs on the line. Saeed: But we can't keep quiet about this. If it gets out, and we knew about it all along, we’ll get in to even more trouble. And plus, think of how many people would be hurt if we kept our mouths shut. Could we live with that? Becky: Maybe there is a way for us to protect our interests and still do the right thing. Maybe we could be anonymous whistleblowers. Saeed: Don't count on being able to remain anonymous. When this thing blows up, we’ll be in knee-deep. There's only one thing to do. Becky: What? Saeed: I have to put my money where my mouth is and go public with what we know. I’ll just have to let the chips fall where they may. Becky: Don’t be too hasty. Let's sleep on it and talk about it tomorrow. Saeed: You can do that if you want to, but I've made up my mind. The question is: Are you with me? Tarik: Are you okay? Stacey: Yeah, I think so. I’m just a little shaken up, but look at my car! Tarik: Mine is in pretty bad shape, too. Good thing, though, it wasn’t totaled. Stacey: Okay, let’s exchange insurance information, so we can both get out of here. Tarik: Right. I’ll put in a claim today and your insurance should pay to repair both of our cars. Stacey: What? This accident wasn’t my fault. You crashed into me! You rear ended me! Tarik: That’s only because you swerved in front of me and slammed on your brakes! Stacey: I did no such thing. I changed lanes and you began tailgating me. That’s why you rear ended me. I’m not to blame here. Tarik: That’s your account of what happened, and it doesn’t jibe with mine. I say we each call our respective insurance companies and let them battle it out. Stacey: Fine. There’s no point in arguing with someone who won’t own up to his mistakes. Tarik: Those are my thoughts exactly. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse