575 - Being an Early or Late Riser

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

Summary: Slow dialogue: 1:32 Explanations: 3:20 Fast dialogue: 15:21 Spiro: Hey, watch out! Nancy: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there. I thought I would be the only person up at the crack of dawn. What are you doing sitting on the stoop at this ungodly hour? Spiro: I’m trying to turn over a new leaf. Nancy: What do you mean? Spiro: I’m in the habit of staying up until all hours of the night. I hardly ever get enough sleep and walk around all day sleep-deprived. I’m trying to see if I can make the switch from being a night owl to an early riser. I’m hoping the new hours will make me a changed man. Nancy: That sounds very commendable, but that still doesn’t answer my question. What are you doing sitting out here? Spiro: I’m waiting for the coffee shop to open. Nancy: Can you eat breakfast this early in the morning? Spiro: No, but I can drink coffee, lots and lots of coffee. Nancy: You’ll definitely be the first one in line. Spiro: I guess what they say is true: the early bird gets the worm. Nancy: I don’t know about worms, but the early bird will definitely get the first dose of caffeine! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse