Yanks Abroad: Episode 14

Backheel Master Podcast Feed show

Summary: After taking Memorial Day weekend off, the show continued on for a special Tuesday night episode previewing the U.S.-Brazil game. Christopher McCollum us joined by regular panelists Brian Sciaretta, John Kretlow, Jamie Hill and Mathew Wagner, as well as special guest from the New York Times Goal Blog John Godfrey. The show begins with an immediate recap of the game against Scotland, featuring some analysis but mostly opinion on the favorite players and moments of the game, and the various emotions that the result brought forth. Everyone named their Three Stars for the game, with overwhelming favorites being Landon Donovan and Michael Bradley for the top two spots. The discussion then went briefly into news from Portugal, discussing Caleb Patterson-Sewell’s move from second division Atletico CP to Vitoria Setubal in the Portuguese Primeira Liga. From there, the conversation went north to Norway, talking about Josh Gatt and what he needs to do to get into the National Team, and then trying to make sure that Stabaek’s 4-1 victory over the weekend was not a typo. The focus then turned to previewing the Brazil game, with a lot of discussion focused on Michael Bradley, whom John Godfrey likened to an M-80 firecracker due to his tendency to go from standing still to exploding. The nickname MB-80 was thus coined, and one-by-one opinions are given on what story lines on the American side and on the Brazilian side are most being looked forward to.