A List of Brutal acts the bible-God done to humans over time - Dec 13,2012

Crs Radio Caribbean Radio Show  show

Summary: Oh yes, get into your bibles and do some research on God's visits to Earth. See the savagry and brutal acts the bible-God done to humans over time. Time is overdue for people to realize the bible is a Turkish book, by the Roman Constantine 1, 325 A.D. It's why the God of the bible don't like women-- ask Adam's wife Eve and Miriam Aaron's sister, those Jewish women Jesus Christ didn't ordain as apostle. Ask Hagar Why God didn't defend her against his friend Abraham abuses. Ask Mother Theresa who had to leave the church that disrespected her, I'm told. Do you pray to this God, well you need to think again! You are asked to re-examine the Genesis creation story once more. God of the bible has no promordial history to support its claims. God by character is a Pope and a wick person.