Dean Radin: Entangled Minds

Radio Misterioso show

Summary: ESP and psychokinesis (symbolized by "psi," the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet ) are still highly controversial concepts, at least in the basic science taught in most schools and waved as a banner by so-called skeptical groups. According to my guest, however, there is a quiet revolution among credentialed scientists that may lead to more open research into parapsychology. Dr. Dean Radin has been on the forefront of this research for decades, performing  laboratory experiments, writing scientific papers, and doing statistical analyses of years of collected data. He has also written two popular books for a wider audience. The Conscious Universe, published in 1997, was an examination of the evidence for psychic functioning and some of the implications for the knowledge of its existence. Entangled Minds was released in 2006 and continued Dr. Radin's careful look at the evidence and described possible theories to explain psi. On this program, we discussed Dr. Radin's background and his early interest in paranormal topics, and how this led him to a career as a working parapsychologist. We then looked at the rocky early history of quantum theory (which forms the basis of a possible working theory of psychic phenomena) and how its acceptance among more scientists would be the basis of a possible renaissance of psychic research. Dr. Radin's next book will be entitled Super Normal: Science, Yoga, and the Evidence For Extraordinary Psychic Abilities, which will be published next year.