The World and Everything in It - May 12, 2012

The World and Everything In It show

Summary: President Obama endorses redefining marriage, what the North Carolina marriage amendment does and doesn't, Mitt Romney stands by man-woman marriage, electoral math, Romney VP selection timetable, Emory University professors are upset that commencement speaker doesn't believe in macro-evolution, autopsy reveals cause of death for painter Thomas Kinkade, reviews of 'War Horse' and 'America's Heart and Soul,' churches in Charlotte work together to reach 20- and 30-somethings, United Methodists turn back attempt to change doctrine on human sexuality, Barnabas Piper on being 'authentic,' U.S. Postal Service losses deepen, an update on the economy, California bill would make it a crime to counsel a child struggling with same-sex attraction, the Sinatra songbook, Vanderbilt University stands firm against campus-ministry groups, Andy Andrews reads from 'How Do You Kill 11 Million People?,' The History Book, and more.