The World and Everything in It - July 28, 2012

The World and Everything In It show

Summary: Mitt Romney critiques President Obama's foreign policy, veepstakes profile of Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Penn State's punishment, Susan Olasky in the Book Nook, 'What I Did on My Summer Vacation,' humorist Albin Sadar on getting in shape, John Stonestreet on the Aurora shootings and the problem of evil, Cal Thomas on investigating Islamist infiltration of the United States, economy slogs along, fact-checking President Obama's 'You didn't build that' comment, new on home video: 'The Artist' and 'The Three Stooges,' the South Region finalist for WORLD's 2012 Hope Award for Effective Compassion, Janie B. Cheaney on turning back welfare reform, The History Book, and more.