Dr. Na'im Akbar

The Remix  show

Summary: His message is clear and simple, yet provocative and well grounded: Black people in America are "crazy." Not so much individually, but culturally. He is what they call a "Black Psychologist," an "Afrocentric Scholar," sharing his thoughts on national issues with the entire population through books, articles, lectures, seminars, radio talkshows and Internet chatrooms. His message is clear and simple, yet provocative and well grounded: Black people in America are "crazy." Not so much individually, but culturally. This scholar, psychologist, author, business owner, and lecturer was acclaimed by Essence Magazine as "one of the world’s preeminent psychologists and a pioneer in the development of an African-centered approach in modern psychology." His name is Dr. Na'im Akbar and his ideas have penetrated most aspects of progressive thought affecting the minds of African people throughout the world. His insight and his analysis of the social concerns affecting African-Americans in particular and humanity as a whole is soul stirring, superbly rational and highly informative. Actively quoted and interviewed in print media, broadcast media and the Internet, and recognized and celebrated on five continents. Dr. Akbar is one of the greatest Thinkers and Orators of our time.