Conservative PrimeTime " Osama bin Laden 1957 - 20??"

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Former Socialist Republican President George W. Bush Congratulates Current Communist Leanning President Obama on the killing of Osama bin Laden. So they finally found & killed him in A LARGE HOUSE w/ No internet or phone service? What ever happen to he was in A Cave? Is it possiable somebody that smart ( keep in mind he is the 9-11 Master mind ) would be so dumb NOT have any cable, electronic & wireless service?  If you have A clue you clearly can see once again WE THE PEOPLE ARE BEING LIED TO again; He was killed but NO BODY? Most of the stories being reported appear to be the standard day to day LIES we hear from our Federal Government. But we will in detail break down the stories & weight in on the complete picture since The September 11th attacks in 2001. Is It Possible this killing took place YEARS AGO but in order to preserve the WAR on The American People it was kept quiet? Is their A chance w/ slipping poll numbers & A birth certification about to blow up in his face President Obama released A story that gives him A MAJOR POWER lift? A BIG STORY WORLD WIDE that makes most of the fire from last week turn to smoke? Are we NOW going to make our exit from both Afghanistan & Pakistan? Who NOW will be our target on the WAR on Terrior? What about the 7 - 9 Billion $$ A year we give to Military Dictator Pervez Musharraf of  Pakistan? What new law or cival rights will the Dept. of Homeland Security need from we the people? All the while this goes on again The Blog Talk idiot republicans claim George Bush as KING. But WAIT the democrats claim it's President Obama. All the while more and more and more of ourAmendments from our constitutional are taken from We The People. TONIGHT your voice is key so let it be heard weather its in the chat room or calling in this show in many ways TONIGHT again  is your show.