Conservative PrimeTime Presents "Police State Part IV"

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: The President is introducing into America how The United States Dept of Homeland Security is looking into pre- crimes. This is in order to prevent terrorist from breaking the law, before they carry out their assignments. Isn't this wonderful our Federal Govt. working w/ state & local will be able to arrest people before they do a act of terrorism.10 or so years ago The USA stood and cheered w/ thunder like applause as President GW Bush introduced The Dept. of Homeland Security & w/ that said began A massive push to hire legalized criminals on behalf of our federal govt, who could break any law w/ out question as long as they did so thinking it is in the best interest of The USA's War on Terror. So is the war here at home on" we the people" or is it really a war of the elite to gain them more power. The ggt183 Liberation Organization goes in depth at just how you are not only loosing your rights granted to you by the Constitution. But how State Governors are rapidly taking away your rights. The cronies of President Obama and his pretend enemies of the Republican party. We take your calls and we throw down on this special Monday edition of" POLICE STATE".Americans have waited too long,to stop this shadow government from taking our rights,based on this war on terror.We get what we deserve when we as a people refuse,too show our so-called leaders whose in charge.You'll be naked at the airports,and naked at home after it's all over.The parties have succeed in hoodwinking all of you.And it's all your fault,because you said to yourselves "it's none of my business,what the government does".