"The Fourth Reich," - Conservative PrimeTime

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Heil Hitler, Heil Obama, Heil GW, in the NEW WORLD Order we have history taking shape to repeat itself. What does this all mean well tune in on Wednesday see ALL the rights we have lost & are bout  to loose w/ in the next few weeks & months. What is The Emergency powers Act? Trust us all you do not want to miss this episode and show it is loaded with TNT and is bound to explode Why in A WAR on terror are the borders NOT even remotely secure? Why is it if we ask why according to Democrats we are racists and if we ask why the GOP calls us un American? If those who question government are Conspiracy theorists what does that make the founding fathers? Do you support better enforcmen on our nations borders? Do you support Obama care? Do you support your MASTER & KING w/ out doubt or question? Do you believe George Bush is the son of GOD or contrary to Democratic views it's rally President Obama? Do you know what BOTH of these former USA Presidents have in comment with Adolf Hitler? TONIGHT is A must for those who want to see in reality what took place under Adolf Hitler & what is transpiring in America TODAY.