Wanted DEAD or Alive

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Wanted dead or alive? For many years we have debated the issue of abortion, taxes as well as gay marriage. So many issues cause emotions and so many are always up for debate. However it seem lke the issue of CAPITAL PUNISHMENT brings out the most of our anger, fear & fight whenever it comes to the debate does he / she have the right to live after taking another persons life  in the act of murder. The WORLD has glodal groups from amnisty international to the local Right to Life do they deserve the electric chair, death by hanging or lethal injection? Do they deserve life wih no chance for parole or parole with NO CHANCE for life? Do you beleive an eye for an eye or do your moral coviction trump all cards in the game of life? Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s & GOD's which is GOD's TONIGHT - we are pulling out all the stops. TONIGHT we are going to let the debate flow and we OPEN ALL Mics for this heated topic. So ROTT in HELL or LORD have MERCY tonight on The ggt183 Prime tyme Conservative Report.