Police Department Corruption - Prime Tyme

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Prior to begining the show theme & topic we will play A recording from The Chocolate GODDESS Maxin Waters (D - Calf. 35th district ) on her proposal to help solve the Gasoline & Oil out of control cost for Taxpayers. It appears as if the New York Police Department is jealous of our report on The Fourth Reich. It's not even been A week since we provided you w/ proof positive of our FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS war is not against an enemy of the people but the people themselve. NYPD now seems to be taking pages out of the book of lies w/ its own departments with SS and Gestapo tactics and THANKS to we the people it is almost 100% leagal. It appears NYPD is arresting people who have done NOTHING and claim they are terror suspects???? No way???? Arrsting the wrong man / women and telling lies to the media how they caputred A killer or BIG TYME TERROR susspect? The NYPD rumors of reputation for it's cops being as corrupt as Mexico CITY Police. During drug raids taking cash, illegal drugs, firearms & wepons for sale on the black market. It sure is NICE to have LARGE amounts of extra  $ CASH $ in your pocket isn't it? We the people need to take back our local governments as BAD as our state & Federal. We need to start in NY where Mayor and Media Giant Michael Bloomberg is also rumored to be useing his Radio & TV locals to spread complete lies in order to make its law enforcment look like KINGS to go along w/ their making $$$$ like Kings. Is this on NY only or do many of the apples fall off the same tree in other cities? All this your chat room question and as always caller partisipation on The PRIME Tyme hour of ggt183. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/05/15/feds-refuse-join-hyped-nyc-terror-case/