Conservative Primetime "US vs Liberalism" Part 1

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Segment # 1 : A tribute to our troops and history of thanks for the FREEDOM we have in this AWESOME country.  Segment # 2 :The foundational belief system you hold determines your views on specific issues. You then have strong opinions you feel are right. If you look at the core beliefs of Conservatism and Liberalism, you can understand and explain the different stands taken on specific issues and the vision each has for our country. These beliefs are opposites in every area and diametrically opposed.  If either Party or philosophy held all 100 US Senators, all 435 Congressionmen and the President for 10 years, what would our nation be like if Conservatives held them compared to what would it be like if the Liberals held them?  I propose to you that we would have two entirely different nations.  It is truly a time for choosing. Which nation do you want?