Casey Anthony NOT GUILTY

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Jury finds Casey Anthony — the Florida woman accused of murdering her 2-year-old daughter Caylee — not guilty of charges pertaining to the toddler's death. Sean Hanity, Gretta & the other FOXNEWS Socialist had her guilty at arrest. MSNBC never met A GUILTY party in opposite. WTF - Why is the media NOT giving us facts and truth rather then gossip & very bias opinions. If they lie about these court cases what else does the media lie to us about on A second bi second broadcast? NOT Guilty is what the jury of her piers ruled but how about the jury on BTR and here at home? What is your opinion and what do you think about this case over all AS WELL AS THESE TRIAL of the new centuries? Are you happi w/ the verdict? Well reguardless let your voice be heard TONIGHT on PRIME TIME with The Princess and NEW Grand Mother Debbie, Germine ( ggt ) and " COOL " Mike lets ROCK the house and chat room. Casey Anthony NOT GUILTY TONIGHT on Prime Time A member of The Freedom Media Alliance Network.