CPT-Roundtable "The New Cold War"

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Contrary to popular belief, communism is not dead!  Rather, it is invading the West at an alarming pace - either overtly or covertly. China is a solidly communist country. Cuba remains communist and Venezuela is becoming such. The majority of southern Africa - South Africa included - is either controlled by communists or moving rapidly in that direction. The new communists may not proclaim themselves to be such.  They use other terms such as socialism, etc., but communist thought is alive and well in the halls of academia.  The communist collective process has invaded our governments, schools, state, provincial and county governments, businesses and even Bible-based churches.  Few pastors and Christians in churches utilizing the popular church growth programs realize they are based on the collective process designed by atheist Vladimir Lenin to brainwash the masses and impose Marxist control on society.Most Westerners believe that fascism is extreme-right and socialism is far-left. Perhaps a more realistic model would be a circle at the top of which stands a free market economy, private enterprise, and a limited constitutional government with a bill of rights for the individual as a cornerstone of freedom. At the bottom of the circle rests a dictatorship, individual or oligarchic, sham rights revocable at any time by the state, and where the rule of law means everything is state controlled. The only practical difference between fascism and socialism is that in a communist society government owns all property and directs all enterprise, whereas in a fascist society private property ownership continues, but entrepreneurs must submit to government's ideologies and goals - chief of which is the task of funding government programs with the proceeds of private enterprise.  Today's socialism is striving to straddle both models.Tonight we will discuss "The New Cold War".and Can America survive.