Chocolate GaNgStAz

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: The Congrssional BLACK cacucs is upset over Congressman Allen West's E-Mail to The Democratic Party Chair. They are caling for his A$$ yet only Allen West is telling people about it, NOT the media! The NAACP now is accused of being a moder Day group of GanGstAs?  : Whistleblower Tracie Jackson’s allegations, outlined in a Houston, Texas, federal lawsuit this week, come a year after an NAACP executive in Georgia was criminally charged with embezzling more than $275,000, according to a report released by Judicial Watch, a group that investigates government corruption Why do you NOT read about this in the local newspaper or on your TV NEWS? Does BLACK corruption or Mafia style in America get A pass due to the fact our LIBERAL & BIAS MEDIA is own by comapnies dependent on $$ BLACK $$ dollars of advertising? Jessie Jackson for YEARS was a modern day highway robber, says veteran investigative reporter Kenneth R. Timmerman, who uses cries of racism to steal from individuals, corporations, and government, to give to himself. Until now, however, no one has been brave enough to say it and diligent enough to prove it. But Ken Timmerman has cracked Jackson's machine, found Jackson cronies willing to break ranks, and uncovered a sordid tale of greed, ambition, and corruption from a self-proclaimed minister who has no qualms about poisoning American race relations for personal gain. BLACK GaNgTsAs are not in bandannas & at the street corners as we are lead to think as BIG $$ MONEY $$ tells us they wear suit and ties and they are almost always members of The DEMOCRATIC party.  TONIGHT we will talk about the bias media & have they for years and years given these THUGS A pass simply because of their race? How can people call for A congressmans A$$ and yet get away w/ it? In America where we have freedom of the press & many major 24 hour news networks, yet NOT one word?