Casting Call on CPT

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: BTR Drama continues, The battle for Wisc next week we think , The budget and battle over who is responsable never seems to end. So long live the KING & QUEEN tonight CPT ( Conservativive Prime Time ) this is your night for A casting cal well kind of and sorta of because we are taking politics and it goes asside for TONIGHT and we are talking your favorite Movie(s), Actors and Actress. How about TV shows? Do you have  A DREAM JOB? We all would LOVE to have A STARING ROLL in some Movie or TV show? If " COOL " Mike, , Lee ( CFGA ), Sarge or Germaine were on SURVIVOR would one of us be the winner or would Debbie ( The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth) show us all how its done? Tea Party Paul last night made his debute as A spot reporter, Now where is Wil? Maybe he\ is on the campaign trail en'route for A run to be President or culd he be the next BOX Office Star? Benyamin Solomon Prime Minister of Israel & KING of the Jews Part II? Well tonight we just talk favorite of favorite and YES we can throw politics in but we are going to CHILL MODE LIVE and just give some THANKS we are all here together and  life is worth living and so is our fight for justice. So who is the most $exy & stunning ladie on the screen in your eyes? What guy makes your heart throb and melt?  You like Sci Fi or History TONIGHT your letting us know everything and anything. Michael Savage, Rush, Sean or maybe Keith or Rachel. Bill O?  If you could anchor one of the prime time shows on ABC,NBC, CNN, CBS, FOXNews or anything what do you think would RULE while your in the Captains Chair?