EFT for Fertility

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Summary: Sarah Holland is a Certified EFT Practitioner who helps people with fertility issues to improve their chances of having a baby. She's the author of a very special ebook, 'Overcoming Infertility with EFT' and a mother to a little boy after dealing with fertility issues herself. She's going to share how to use EFT to eliminate the stress of infertility and remove psychological blocks to conception. Overcoming Infertility with EFT is essential reading for everyone who is trying for a baby and is stressed, anxious and saddened about how long it is taking. Fertility problems cause a huge amount of stress which not only has a negative impact on your emotional well being, but can also create blocks to conception. Knowing that stress can harm your fertility causes even more anxiety and you soon get caught in a vicious circle where the emotions simply overwhelm you. Listen in to learn how to banish the stress by using EFT.