2012-the changes: Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Physical & Material-How is it Affecting You?

Awakenings  with  Michele Meiche -Spirituality & Metaphysics for Empowerment  show

Summary: Josie Kelly -Stockbroker/trader & wisdom teacher & Doug Melloy -author & teacher join in the dialogue How to manage & align with this transition- learn how to deal , lead and be of service to people at this crazy time 2012...the fall from matter to know what was/is the matter to us- Individuation + Unity Expressed There are tools to assist in the Ascension- bridging head & heart-individuality & unity = We Are The One Bring your synchronistic signs, symbols & insight into the chat room or call in & share of your path. Learn how to manage your energy & follow the Law of Emergence/Law of Resonance by taping into & aligning with the subtle body. Learn how to manage this energy A focus on the tools Self Development, Spiritual Integration & raising & maintaining of the expanded state of consciousness to align with the lightbody & create empowerment & transformation & ascend