The Road Less Traveled #40

Prepper Podcast Radio Network (℠) show

Summary: The Road Less Traveled #40 Live on Tuesday starting at 9:00pm Central 10:00pm EST "The Road Less Traveled" with GaryL and GGsBoo as we delve into some of the past weeks significant news and offer some commentary. As we move into "flu season," we'll begin a series discussing the Vaccine Industry,  Big Pharma, The Medical Industry, and the government overlaps. Critically examining the world around us is fundamentally important to development of the philosophical basis of being a "Prepper," so examining reasons for the feelings of disenfranchisement and frustration is key to focusing  the true direction of our hearts and energies. This is a call-in 917-889-7908 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            917-889-7908      end_of_the_skype_highlighting. We enjoy listener feedback and suggestions for show topics, so contact us at More information and Archives