Marygael Meister: How To Legalize Backyard Beekeeping

The Organic View show

Summary: Regardless of the fact that there is a tremendous decline in the bee population due to Colony Collapse Disorder, amongst other diseases, there are still many areas where backyard beekeeping has been banned. The reason for the ban in many cases is mostly due to lack of knowledge about bees as well as fear of lawsuits. The plight to legalize beekeeping in a community is not something many beekeepers want to undertake. The consequences beekeepers that challenge these laws face range from risk of being fined to confiscation of their bees, which can also be a big financial loss. There are some areas that may even impose incarceration. Every area is different. Marygael Meister is a beekeeper that sought to do this for the city of Denver. It was a very trying process but one she was determined to see changed. Her efforts led her to establish and organize Ms. Meister successfully changed the city’s ordinance but also found that there is a great deal of responsibility that comes with such a privilege.   In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer will speak to Marygael Meister, founder and President of ( To learn about her relentless efforts to get the laws changed, stay tuned!