John Robbins: Author, Activist and Humanitarian

The Organic View show

Summary: John Robbins is one of the most influential activists of our time exposing the dangers behind the production of our food while also revealing the extraordinary benefits of healthy alternatives.  He is a bestselling author, having penned such books as “ Diet for a New America: How Your Food Choices Affect Your Health”,” Happiness and the Future of Life on Earth”, “ Healthy at 100: The Scientifically Proven Secrets of the World’s Healthiest and Longest-Lived Peoples”, “May All Be Fed: a Diet For A New World : Including Recipes By Jia Patton And Friends”, “Reclaiming Our Health: Exploding the Medical Myth and Embracing the Sources of True Healing”,”The Awakened Heart: Meditations on Finding Harmony in a Changing World”,”The Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your Life And Our World” and his latest book, “The New Good Life: Living Better Than Ever in an Age of Less.” As the only son of the founder of the Baskin-Robbins ice cream empire, John Robbins was groomed to follow in his father’s footsteps, but chose to walk away from Baskin-Robbins and the immense wealth it represented to “…pursue the deeper American Dream…the dream of a society at peace with its conscience because it respects and lives in harmony with all life forms. A dream of a society that is truly healthy, practicing a wise and compassionate stewardship of a balanced ecosystem.” He has also been the recipient of the Rachel Carson Award, the Albert Schweitzer Humanitarian Award, the Peace Abbey's Courage of Conscience Award, and Green America's Lifetime Achievement Award. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer will speak to John Robbins about his books and his activism. Stay tuned!