Tracey Brieger: Ban The Use of Methyl Iodide on Strawberries

The Organic View show

Summary: Over the voiced concerns of the country's top scientists, the cancer-causing strawberry pesticide methyl iodide was approved for use nationally in the last days of the Bush Administration. Called "one of the most toxic chemicals on earth," methyl iodide causes late-term miscarriages, contaminates water and is so effective at causing cancer that scientists use it to create cancer cells in the lab. Finally, Obama's EPA is taking public comments about the pesticide. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer will speak to Tracey Brieger, Co-Director, Californians for Pesticide Reform, about the dangers of using this pesticide and why you need to demand safe strawberries. Stay tuned! Bio: Tracey Brieger has worked for 18 years in across the globe as an advocate for a variety of environmental and social justice issues. She has worked on international banking, finance, mining and hydroelectric dam issues, and also has a particular interest in sustainable food systems work. She worked in Thailand and Laos for two years on sustainable agriculture projects and since 2002, she has served as the Campaign and Media Director and currently the Co-Director of Californians for Pesticide Reform, or CPR. CPR is a statewide coalition of over 185 public interest groups that aims to protect human and environmental health from the dangers of pesticide use. From 2002-4, she served on the founding Steering Committee of the California Food and Justice Coalition. Tracey holds an M.S. in Environmental Science, Policy and Management from UC Berkeley. Outside of work, she enjoys teaching yoga and is a practicing clinical herbalist.