Tom Kelly: Things Landscapers Won’t Tell You About Lawn Care

The Organic View show

Summary: It is that time of the year again in New York as well as other parts of the world where spring has sprung and the grass is beginning to grow. In garden centers and nurseries, there are a myriad of products that are being pushed on the consumer that are not necessarily needed in order to keep your lawn healthy all summer long. There are also products that contain harsh chemicals that are dangerous to all beings. Chemicals, such as Imidacloprid, which are part of the neonicotinoid family, will wipe out any chance that a butterfly or bumblebee will visit your home to pollinate the vegetables in your garden much less any flowers. Many of these products, subsequently, are very expensive and completely unnecessary. Thanks to clever marketers, people are buying them without having any idea as to how much damage they are doing to their own lawns.  To top it off, there are certain times of the year when specific products should be used but are marketed to be used all year round. When it comes to alternatives to these chemicals, they are never even mentioned because this would prevent the chemical companies from enjoying their healthy profits while your lawn becomes unhealthy. Unfortunately, the public only knows what they learn from clever commercials and ads as they spend dollar after dollar buying products that are a complete waste and are contributing to Colony Collapse Disorder. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer will speak to Tom Kelly, CEO of Firebelly Organic Lawn Care about what consumers should know in order to have a healthy lawn. Stay tuned!