Author, Linda Watson: Wildly Affordable Organic!

The Organic View show

Summary: Eat Fabulous Food, Get Healthy and Save the Planet All on $5 a Day or Less! The organic industry has come a long way. Consumers now can buy organically grown food as well as other staples just about anywhere they shop. Many people still do not understand what to look for or how to buy the most on a limited budget. Unfortunately, people will opt to resort to conventional (ie: non-organic, non-foods) instead. Author Linda Watson has written a fabulous book which outlines your options in full detail. The book also enables you to make your own staples with her kid-friendly recipes. Her book also contains a great deal of insight as far as why you should shop for particular ingredients and how to compromise with alternatives.  In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer will talk to Author, Linda Watson about her new book and her valuable tips. So, if you are feeling the pinch of the economy but do not want to sacrifice your healthy by opting for the chemical foods on the market, this is one book you need to read! Stay tuned!