Marina Marchese-Red Bee Artisanal Honey: Bee-uty From Bees!

The Organic View show

Summary:   When you think about honey, you think about bees and typically use it for tea or as a sweetener. But did you know that the ancient Egyptians used honey for medicinal purposes? Anyone who is a beekeeper or has proper knowledge of honeybees will tell you that honeybees are one of the primary sources for healing. Author Marina Marchese, who wrote the book Honeybee: Lessons from an Accidental Beekeeper is a true renaissance woman and is also an entrepreneur. From her love of honeybees, she discovered the medicinal benefits created by her beloved honeybees. She decided that this was something that needed to be shared with the world and launched Red Bee ® Artisanal Honey. Marina has created an entire line of skin care products that are derived from the honeybee. As a true lover and defender of honeybees, she also educates people about the many misconceptions about bees and why people need to embrace the power that these special beings offer. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer talks to honey connoisseur and defender of honeybees, Marina Marchese.