Authors,Virginia Messina and Jack Norris: Vegan For Life

The Organic View show

Summary:   There are many people who hear the word vegan and consider it to be some kind of extreme diet that only people who are animal loving health nuts subscribe to. It is actually not a trend but a growing way of life for many people around the world. When you are a vegan, it does not mean that you starve yourself to death and are going to be instantly emaciated. What it does mean is that you are able to enjoy a more sustainable diet that is actually quite exciting because of all of the wonderful options as opposed to meat and potatoes every night. For people that choose to be conscious about what they eat in order to control their healthy, this is clearly the right decision to make. However, there is so much information that is important for anyone to learn while making that life changing decision to consume a plant based diet. In the book Vegan For Life, experts Virginia Messina and Jack Norris cover everything from a simple six-step action plan for making the transition, food and nutrient charts, a vegan food guide with five new food groups and shopping lists for stocking the pantry with vegan staples, sample menus with easy, nutritious, and enticing options for any meal and tools to understand the latest nutrition research, with information on different research methods and more! In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer will speak to Jack Norris, RD and Virginia Messina, MPH, RD. Jack Norris, is co-founder and president of Vegan Outreach. His website,, is considered to be the best source of vegan nutrition on the web. Virginia Messina, serves on the advisory boards for the Vegetarian Resource Group and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Stay Tuned!