Author, Lois Dieterly: Sinfully Vegan

The Organic View show

Summary:   Vegan dishes and desserts have come a long way. Thanks to cooking shows, the internet and skilled chefs that have shared their recipes, more and more people can enjoy eating delectable desserts that are not only gluten-free but are free from animal based ingredients. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,heart disease is still the number one cause of death in the United States.  Obesity has also been a major health concern. Even the First Lady, Michelle Obama, has various initiatives in order to help people make better food choices. The bottom line is that people need to look at the foods they are consuming, especially when it comes to desserts which are often rich in fats, additives and preservatives. Eating desserts is not always a bad thing. What matters is the kinds of desserts and more importantly, what ingredients they are made with. Anyone who maintains good health knows that all foods should be consumed in moderation. In the book, Sinfully Vegan, author Lois Dieterly has assembled quite a collection of amazing desserts that is sure to please even the toughest food critic. She also offers a great explanation of what the key ingredients are used for and why. If you are someone who loves desserts but wants to cut out the animal based products, wants to be able to enjoy gluten-free desserts or just wants to try something new, this is one book that you need to explore. The recipes are easy to make, kid friendly and not terribly expensive to make. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer will speak to author, Lois Dieterly about her new book. If you are a vegan or just want to learn more about the options you can work with when making delicious desserts, stay tuned!